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Alexander Bhinder - Photographer-4

Now-a-days, nearly all of us have a camera on our person but that doesn't mean that we're all photographers. If you're humbly (or amusingly) aware of where I'm going with this, please read on.

I have a trained 'eye' and appreciating that angle and lighting are major parts of a composition, I try hard to get these two important aspects right. I have patience. After some discussion, I continually bear in mind just where you want your pictures to end up, what you want them to convey and what the end-goal is.

Wildlife, portraits, bands, inanimate objects, architecture are all subject matters I enjoy photographing and I always aim to take pictures that 'speak'.

I also offer a property photography service for those wanting to get the best possible photographic representation of the house or flat that they're selling. Click here for details.


I also provide a restoration service which could bring old and often damaged photographs back to life. Sepia or black and white photographs can even be converted to colour which can bring on a whole new dimension to what was at the time, a simple holiday snap. Below are a couple of examples of how old photographs can be restored.

Click on the example restorations below to enlarge.

Photographic restoration at Plasma Music
The photograph on the left had suffered serious damage over several decades.
Photographic restoration at Plasma music
The photograph on the left has been folded twice and kept in someone's wallet for many, many years.
Photo restoration at Plasma Music
The original image measured 3" x 4.25". After editing, the image was enlarged to a standard 6" x 8".
Photographic restoration at Plasma Music
After removing scratches, tea stains, etc and resizing to 8" x 12", I changed the colouring slightly to a more sepia effect.