Now-a-days, nearly all of us have a camera on our person but that doesn't mean that we're all photographers. If you're humbly (or amusingly) aware of where I'm going with this, please read on.
I have a trained 'eye' and appreciating that angle and lighting are major parts of a composition, I try hard to get these two important aspects right. I have patience. After some discussion, I continually bear in mind just where you want your pictures to end up, what you want them to convey and what the end-goal is.
Wildlife, portraits, bands, inanimate objects, architecture are all subject matters I enjoy photographing and I always aim to take pictures that 'speak'.
I also offer a property photography service for those wanting to get the best possible photographic representation of the house or flat that they're selling. Click here for details.
I also provide a restoration service which could bring old and often damaged photographs back to life. Sepia or black and white photographs can even be converted to colour which can bring on a whole new dimension to what was at the time, a simple holiday snap. Below are a couple of examples of how old photographs can be restored.
Click on the example restorations below to enlarge.