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Introducing Plasma Music Unlimited

Introducing Plasma Music UnlimitedOver the years, I’ve been very fortunate to have got to know some truly lovely people. Spread over two quite discrete customer bases (UK and non-UK) however, and as things have become increasingly busier recently, I’ve been considering streamlining my business with a view to ensure that I’m able to continue to deliver the best and most cost-effective service, to everyone.

Hence, as of 1st April 2024, I’ll be running two set-ups; Plasma Music Limited and Plasma Music Unlimited.

Amongst other administrative changes, the new trading body, will not be VAT registered, thereby reducing the time I spend on book-keeping for example. I’m also aiming to offer simpler payment options. It’s all about reducing overheads, keeping down costs and ensuring that I can deliver a level of service that I would expect for myself.

Plasma Music Unlimited is already card payment ready
Ready for (the new) business.

Of course, nothing’s going to change for regular Plasma Music Limited customers. 😊